Proper care of any tool extends its durability. Many people expense much to purchase their lovely tools but can not get it maximum durability due to lack of proper care of them. Like other tools, a wristwatch also needs proper care to have maximum durability. We find many watches of our ancestors working properly even after many decades. The reason behind it is its proper maintenance and care of those. We will guide you to keep your lovely analog wristwatch working for a long time with a beautiful look as its past with some tips.
Before going to the main topic, we will shortly know the working process of an analog wristwatch in a few words.
How does an analog wristwatch works?
An analog watch is a timepiece that shows the time by the combined movement of its three hands of second, minute, and hour over an indicated dial. It is the most traditional clock face for displaying the time. Among three hands, the tinny and the longest hand display second. The shortest and boldest hand of the clock represents the hour, and the hand of midsize represents the minute.
The second-hand moves around the clock face within a minute, and the movement around the dial is divided into 60 seconds. Some second-hands frequently move around the dial within a minute, and some move with 60 intervals according to its movement process.
The minute hand moves around the dial for every 720 times movement of the second hand around the dial. And the movement for everyone round of the second hand indicates one minute. One roundup of the minute hand represents 12 hours of time.
The bold and the shortest hand of the clock is its hour hand, which sets under a minute and second hands. For every 43200 roundup movement of the second-hand, the hour hand moves once around the dial. The movement of it for every one roundup of the minute hand around the dial indicates one hour.
The dial pad of the clock is marked with second and hour indicators. Every movement of the second hand from one indicator to another represents one second. The minute hand also moves from one indicator to another every after every one roundup of the second hand. The hour hand moves to its indicator with one roundup of the minute hand over the dial.
There are dials with many designs; some have all second, hour indicators, some have only 3, 6,9, and 12-hour marks. Whatever the marks on the dial, it is mandatory to know the time display process to know the time from an analog clock.
How to take care of an analog wristwatch?
It is a very good practice to lubricate the internal parts of an analog watch. The oil inside the watch becomes dry over time, which results in malfunction. The use of oil helps to work the parts smoothly to keep the time count. Regular oiling the watch every one month extends the durability and keeps your favorite watch running. To do oiling the clock, you should know the process accordingly; otherwise, take it to any professional. Any damage or misplacement of the internal parts will kill your agile watch.

Lubricate the internal parts:
It is a very good practice to lubricate the internal parts of an analog watch. The oil inside the watch becomes dry over time, which results in malfunction. The use of oil helps to work the parts smoothly to keep the time count. Oiling the watch every one month extends the durability and keeps your favorite watch running.
To do oiling the watch, you should know the process accordingly; otherwise, take it to any professional. Any damage or misplacement of the internal parts will kill your agile watch. We recommend you to use Super Lube 56204 O-Ring Silicone Lubricant to have the best result.
Fuel your watch:
Manual analog watches need consistent winding at a regular interval. It results in good for the watch, and you should practice winding the watch every after 7 or 8 days at the same time. Schedule to wind the watch on a date and time of the week. The best suggestion is Sunday morning.
Some do follow tips for proper wind up:
Never wind the watch on your wrist. It creates pressure on the stem and may bend the crown.
Do not wind up with pressure. Do it smoothly and wind up until you feel the burden.
Do wind up the watch at any place. Do it at your home while you are in bed.
Avoid any chance of fall of the watch while winding up. Do it on any soft surface.
Do not wind the watch without scheduled time.
Clean the watch:
There is no alternative to maintenance your lovely watch without cleaning it regularly. It gives the shine to the watch and helps to keep it alive for a long. After every use, it is a very good practice to clean the clock before storing it. It cloth to wipe the dust, sweat from its body and the belt. To get maximum results, use a little amount of water but not any shop. A microfiber polishing cloth is the best for the cleaning.
Do service regularly:
An analog watch on your wrist is not only because you need to know the time; it marks your ancestors, dignity, and elite personality. So, the watch should take to servicing every after a fixed period, which will keep your watch alive as well as your personality. Remember, the more you care about your stuff, the more you value your personality. Always take it to an authorized dealer or a professional.
Do proper use:
An analog watch is made of minimal and tinny parts. A sudden fall or bang may kill its life and your love. Therefore, you should use the clock safely to protect it from stroke and fall. It is not wise to use the watch while you are jogging and playing the outdoor game. Take care to protect it from scratch. Mind your hand movement while the precious watch is on your wrist.
Keep away from water:
All the latest watches are featured with waterproof resistance. But the old analog watches may not have water protection. Whatever the resistance present or not, it is not wise to test the waterproof feature. Though having the feature in some watches, the resistance may be wasted during service, repair, or oiling. It is always recommended to keep away from the touch of water.
An analog watch on your wrist lifts your personality to a top-level and, at the same time, represent your elegance in the community. It also marks that you hold the tradition of your ancestors on your wrist. Therefore, proper care of the timepiece is a must to keep the tradition alive. It is not wise to store a watch in the locker to keep it alive; you should wear it and should take care of it in a proper way. Be smart; enjoy your time.